
Bangkok #3 - River Kwae 之死亡铁路

(Picture above is from internet)
The Bridge of River Kwae was built during World War II.

During early 1942, Japanese forces occupied much of British Burma as far as The Indian border. In June 1942, in order to supply the war effort against India, the Japanese began construction of a railway from Bahn Pong (Thailand Southern Line) along the Kwae valley, and across the Three Pagodas Pass, connecting with the Burmese railway network at Thanbyuzayat.

About 60,000 allied P.O.W.'s and a much greater number of Malays and other Asians were used as forced labour. Most allied P.O.W.'s arrived in Thailand by train from Singapore: British and Australian military jammed 26 to a box car with rubber planters, traders and colonial administrators, for a journey that even today takes the best part of three days. From Bahn Pong they were marched up the valley of the Kwae Noi to the construction camps, where the real misery began.

Conditions were appalling: backbreaking work from dawn to dusk in very difficult terrain, tropical heat or monsoon rains, and always swarms of insects. Already suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion, thousands succumbed to Cholera, Dysentery, Cerebral Malaria and the the casual thuggery of their Japanese and Korean captors. It is estimated that over 100,000 Asians and more than 16,000 allied P.O.W.'s died during the construction.

The Jeath War Museum is located by the river on Song Kwai Rd., near Wat Chaichumphon Chana Songkhram. The building is a reconstruction of a thatched POW hut, with bamboo bunks. On the wall are photographs of POW living conditions and various memorabilia.

A private "Art Gallery and War Museum" is located just down river from the River Kwai Bridge. The main feature is a Japanese locomotive outside the main door, but the museum has quite a few interesting remnants of the war. Much of the museum, however, is given over to general Thailand memorobilia, including portraits of Kings and Prime Ministers.

Bridge 277 is located at the north end of town is the River Kwai Bridge, still in use more than 60 years after World War II though with 2 spans replaced after the end of the war. As can be imagined, this is a great tourist attraction, especially at the times when the west-bound trains are due to crawl over the bridge.

The main War cemetary is on Saengchuto Rd., not far from Kanchanaburi Railway Station. It is located near what was the site of the main POW transit camp. The cemetary contains the remains of more than 5000 Commonwealth and 1800 Dutch POWs, many of them in their early twenties. On the other side of the river, on the site of Chong Kai POW camp, is a second smaller cemetary. The location is about 2km south west of the town on Lin Chang Bahn Kao Rd.




乘着五一假期,拿多一天假期去了一趟印尼日惹。为什么选择日惹?本来是想要去柬埔寨吴哥窟(世界遗产之一--Angkor Wat),可是上网看了一些资料后发觉印尼日惹的消费比较便宜。而且日惹有两个世界遗产,那就是Borobudur Temple和Prambanan Temple。 因为是一人行,所以我决定不住酒店,而到当地的沙发客家留宿。到达前我认为一切安排还顺利的,可错就错在我到达机场却看不到我的host。我们说好了在机场等,衰在他没有给我联络电话,我能做的就是等她联络我(我留了我的联络电话)。等了一个小时,我认为他不会现身后,决定打了一个电话给在沙发客网站认识的一位当地人,问他能否收留我。其实我不抱太大的希望,因为真的太突然了,他可能有其他事情做而拒绝我。我想我很幸运,他既然答应我的要求,还是很last minute的要求。(关于这点如果我还记得,我会再写一篇我个人所要诠释的“心想事成”的威力。) 如果他拒绝我的留宿要求,我可能得一条一条街走去找住宿。我只怕没有便宜的住宿,因为遇到五一假期。当天在机场也看到很多人跟我一样入境。我想我这次吸取到的教训是虽然到沙发客家留宿,但也应该预备一些当地住宿的资料以防万一;其二是一定一定要跟host拿联络号码!

Bagan Lalang

周末跟朋友去他的家乡——丹那美拉A村。原来,在他家乡的地区以前都是油棕园,所以附近的新村都是以site A, B1, B2 和 C来取名。朋友的新村主要是福州人,我也尝试到他们出名的红酒面线,我还吃了一大碗呢。当然也少不了他们自家种的火龙果。 当天傍晚,朋友带我到附近的Bagan Lalang。我真没想到他是这么的漂亮!当双脚触摸到白白细细的沙,真让人舍不得离开它。 虽可惜当天云层太多,看不到鸭蛋般大的日落,但这一幕也让人心醉。 很可惜没有带到相机,只好用手机咯。 附近正建着Sepang Gold Coast Resort,环境很优美。我们还进去看示范屋呢!


刚刚早餐是炒黄面,一面吃一面有罪恶感。黄面内的碱水味阵阵地传进我的味觉,我就在那想我这一餐吃进了很多化学物。 一直以来我都不爱吃黄面,除了黄面的淀粉量很重之外,另外一个原因就是它有很浓的碱水味。如果有注意到我饮食习惯的朋友,一定会发觉我很喜欢吃米粉、河粉、伊面等没有附加颜色的面条类。 很不幸,今天一定是被“鬼遮眼”,我既然不选我一直喜欢的炒米粉,而选了炒黄面。吃后,还在后悔中!